28 January, 2010

I have Proof

This post is actually a story from last year that I wanted to share. It was Thanksgiving eve, and I was heading to Union Square to meet my Belgian friend Thibault. I had invited him spend his first American Thanksgiving with my family at my sister's house in New Jersey. I was riding the Q train when a man got on at canal street. He had clearly had a stroke. One side of this face was completely paralyzed, and his hand was contorted. He struggled to walk straight.

"Hello everybody. I don't want to disturb you, but as you can see I'm not well. I'm disabled and unemployed. After we pay our bills on government assistance we only have $20 to feed our family. I have three kids."

He held up pictures of his kids and stated their names and ages.

"I'm not lying here. I go to physical therapy twice a week. If you don't believe me I have proof."

He held up his physical therapy card.

"Please, please, help me feed my family please."

He started walking the length of the car, but being so unsteady on his feet, the sudden jolts of the train were easily throwing off his balance. He held up his physical therapy card as he stumbled.

I stood there with my back against the subway door, my rolling luggage secured between my feet. I reached for my wallet, and as we walked up to me I gave him the entire contents. It was $8. Not a king's ransom, but everyone I could spare during that mid-day subway ride.

Total Contribution: $8
Station: Q train between Canal Street and Union Square

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