24 February, 2010

The smile is free


I was staring at the clock in the lower right-hand corner of my computer screen. I had a half hour to kill and had resolved to spend the entirety of it deciding what to make for dinner. I quickly took an inventory in my head of the contents of my refrigerator.

Brussel Sprouts
Various Condiments

What could I do with this?

My typical "dinner" when I finally get home consists of random small snacks. A few pieces of cheese, a can of tuna, maybe a rice cake or two, but hardly a meal. I

Some Salmon would be nice. I googled a few things and made my final decision. Poached Salmon with fresh bread, sauted brussel sprouts, and sauted garlic potatoes. There's a natural market across the street from my apt where the fish is always fresh. I had no idea what this would cost, but decided to treat myself.

6:00...quitting time.

As I exited the 7th Avenue B/Q station with all the other worker bees I heard a man at the top of the stairs asking for change. The tide of weary commuters pushed me along such that I could reach for my wallet.

I went to the market, and purchased my $8 piece of fish. On the way back to my apt I walked back to the man at the top of the subway steps and handed him $0.46.

"Thank you kindly dear, you're too kind! Oh, and thanks for the lovely smile! You have a wonderful night!"

"You're welcome", I called back to him over my shoulder as I skipped home to cook myself dinner and enjoy a relaxing evening on the couch.

Total Contribution: $0.46
Station: 7th ave Q/B

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